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"...either write something worth reading or do things worth writing."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Now, marketing is everything you do."
Wise reminder from Seth Godin's blog: "Marketing used to be advertising. Now, marketing is everything you do. And what you do either adds...

3 Helpful Articles for Writers & Marketers
Three articles I recently ran across that have helpful reminders for creating top quality, compelling content. (1) How to Talk to People,...

My Marketings Learnings from Creating My Own Newsletter part 4/? - Social Media
Part 1 = Creating a logo Part 2 = Building a website and landing page Part 3 = Getting feedback With a logo and a website + an actual...

My Marketings Learnings from Creating My Own Newsletter pt. 3/? - Getting Feedback
In my first post chronicling creating a newsletter from scratch, I shared how creating a logo isn't an instantaneous event, and how much...

My Marketings Learnings from Creating My Own Newsletter pt. 2/? - Website / Landing Page Build
Yesterday, I explained that I'm starting a newsletter from scratch (no company, no website, no existing audience), and I'm learning a lot...

My Marketings Learnings from Creating My Own Newsletter pt. 1/? - Starting w/ a Basic Logo
I've worked with many companies to build their audiences and create broader awareness, and one tool I've used is the old tried and true...

5 Tips for Getting Your Point Across
Seth Godin recently wrote a blog post on getting your memo read: Get your memo read His useful reminders are helpful beyond a "memo."...

Truisms That Are Clearest Away from a Corporate Job
I ran across this insightful article on, and as I am currently consulting, all of these ring very, very true. I Left My Corporate...
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