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Companies Ranked by Reputations - Who Americans Favor vs. Distrust (hint - the government)

Axios and Harris Poll just released their poll on Americans' views of companies with some interesting slicing and dicing.

Only two companies, Wegmans and Publix Supermarkets, are a favorite companies for both Democrats and Republicans.

Here's the full chart with which companies lean which direction and their overall reputation with Americans:

Axios and the Harris Poll also sought to understand the 3 trends driving corporate image.

A bit surprising, The U.S. Government showed up on their poll of "U.S. Corporations" for the first time. Quite telling, really. And very sadly, "America's least favorite company is the U.S. government" and the government scored particularly poorly in "ethics, trust, culture, vision and citizenship."

Here is the list of all companies and their scores:

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